Monday, February 11, 2008

Job Interview

I chose the article "Four Dont's When Dealing With Recruiters" and "Minor Matters That Make Your Interview." The first article is informative about dealing with the recruiter in an appropriate manner. Being friendly is a must when dealing with a prospective employer. Most people know to act courteous and respectful to the interviewer. Asking for coaching looks unprofessional and unprepared. If you are asking your recruiter how to create your cover letter then they are sure to cross you off their list. Asking for insider information and special treatment is also inappropriate. If they offer this information just take note but do not be nosy. If you impress them then they are sure to take note of your interview.
The second article I read pertains to minor matters before the interview process. These tips may seem like insignificant details but these details may get you the job. Selecting an appropriate business attire is necessary to look professional and respectful. Fresh breath is also an important detail because no one wants to smell bad breath and is a turnoff. Being punctual is extremely important. If you arrive late for an interview you can all but kiss that potential job away. Lastly, your behavior both before, during, and after the interview are all important because you never know who is watching you. It is important that you conduct yourself in an appropriate manner inside as well as outside work because if you are responsible for your conduct and represent the organization. If you act inappropriately then you may tarnish the organizations reputation.

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